Group One

Logic of social structure and social influence

We emphasize the importance of social relations, and will study systematically how they play a role in social communication. We will explore social phenomena using tools from logic and computer science, specifically the mechanisms by which these phenomena can emerge from discrete interactions between individuals. As an example, the diffusion of an idea within a community can be modelled using cellular automata or dynamic modal logic. Of particular interest are epistemic interactions involving the exchange of information and social aspects of knowledge, such the ways in which knowledge can be said to be possessed by groups and how this depends on social structure and capacity to communicate.

  • Jeremy Seligman (Auckland & Tsinghua)
    • MA Minghui (Sun Yan-sen University)
    • DONG Huanfang (Tsinghua University)
    • LIN Hanti (University of California, Davis)
    • ZHU Rui (Auckland University)
    • CHEN Yu (Tsinghua University)